This machine belongs to Archer MacLean, one of the biggest Atari collector's in the United Kingdom.

Unfortunately when Archer recieved his Computer Space it was somewhat damaged and needed serious restoration. Another unfortunate aspect is there is no serial number for this machine, but Archer requested his Computer Space be displayed with these others as he is very proud of his unit (as well he should be!). He made a tremendous effort in cleaning this machine up, everything from completely disassembling all the components, to having the cabinet be professionally recoated. There is a link to Archer's site in my Links section where he details step by step what was needed to get this machine back up and running. Archer's Computer Space sat next to Curt Vendell's (SN946) for the GameOn Exhibit in the United Kingdom in 2002 and both machines look fantastic together.

image from


Early in 2006, an article appeared in Retro Gamer magazine in the UK interviewing Archer and containing a very nice photo of his Computer Space and Pong machines.