SN30482 belongs to the owner of the same record store where SN10475 resides.

The picture below is just a generic 2 PlayerComputer Space image, and unfortunately I do not know if the unit is working. The owner has not returned my emails asking for more info on this unit. The cabinet is in good shape though and the joysticks seem to be working well mechanically at least.


SN30482 appeared in the Nov 27th episode of EP Daily, though the episode was mostly talking about new music in their section called The Sonar. SN30482 sits in Zulu Records in Vancouver, B.C. and as you can see from the screen capture below the game can be seen in the background of the store. The media link below is from EP Daily's website which contains the entire show. Click on "Playlist" then choose from the sections of the episode, click on section 3 and scroll half way through the episode to find the machine.